If you look through any Vietnam travel materials, you’re almost bound to find a couple of pages dedicated to the mountainous northern region of Sapa. This beautiful droplet of unspoiled landscape is synonymous with Vietnam’s reputation for cultivation and has been a popular visiting point for decades. Perfectly formed against the slowly ascending mountainsides, the rice terraces have made this part of Northern Vietnam famous and we are proud to be able to include Sapa as a prevailing aspect of your Vietnam Tour.
Characterised by perfectly assembled rice patches and the sound of buffalos sighing during their daily commutes, Sapa won’t struggle to give you a good impression of Vietnam’s inspiring countryside. Often a prominent element of many of Best tours in Vietnam, Sapa will leave you feeling refreshed and at peace with your surroundings. Watch the local farmers plant their crops during under the autumn sun and if you’re not going anywhere in a hurry, you may even be invited to join in. This part of your Vietnam tour will offer you plenty of opportunity to ramble with one of the locals on a variety of different trekking experiences, ranging from mild to strenuous, it just depends on your level of fitness. Be advised however, the heat and humidity of the summer months can make any physical excursions quite exhausting.
It is thought by many that the harvesting season in Sapa is the most exciting time to visit. This period varies depending on the weather, however it usually begins by around September or the beginning of October at the latest. If you incorporate Sapa into your Vietnam tour at the beginning of September, you will be treated to some excellent photo opportunities as the rice fields will have adopted a wonderful golden shade, creating a perfect postcard picture moment for you and your companions.
There are numerous trekking paths in the Sapa region which are more than suitable for you and your fellow travellers. Villages and the ethnic minorities will both give you a deep glance into the simplicity and magic of various ethnic groups in the northern regions and there are dozens of stunning natural assets waiting to greet you.
Accompanying us, we can promise you the friendliest guides with expert knowledge of the local area, guaranteeing your Sapa experience will be one of the most memorable chapters of your Vietnam tour.