The beauty of Tam Duong market, Lai Chau

Nga Do
Tam Duong is a frontier town situated in a beautiful valley between limestone rocks.  It is also a place of cultural value and breath taking mountainous scenery.

This place is the home of many hill tribes such as the H'Mong, Man Tien, Lu and Cu Chu people. Authentic in lifestyle and colourful in costumes, most of the tribes emigrated from South China during the 17th - 18th century. A full day of visiting villages, hidden behind mountains and hills, enables visitors to learn how self-sufficient life is. You will spend the day in the river valley, crossing suspension bridges and witnessing green rice terraces.

On appointment every morning and every Thursday and Sunday, the market Tam Duong Land crowded, bustling sellers and buyers. Impressed with the market place here, people and the sky as they blend together, as a striking color in the picture of cultural activities in the Northwest.

Tam Duong Market is another name for San Thang market in San Thang commune, Lai Chau town. But people here are still used to call the name of Tam Duong Land market.

The market has become an indispensable cultural activity of H'mong people, Dao people, Pu Na people, Giay people, Lu people ... here. The specialties of the forest are sold to the market are the products that they make themselves or grow it like vegetables, bananas, bitter bamboo shoots, potato tubers, boar, hand chicken, forest honey bottle ... can say that Tam Duong land market is one of the convergence of cultural beauty, high mountains and forests in the northwest.

Lai Chau is exactly a captivating and typical  mountainous land, absorbing huge numbers of tourists widespread. If you are interested in ethnic minority culture, unique highland markets you should take part in a intinerary in Lai Chau, which unveils the mountainous culture in the way of a “love-blossoming” land!

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