Cat Cat village is an age-old village of H’Mong ethnic group remaining unique customs and practices that are lots in other villages. Cat Cat Village could be a hide-way destination for those living in noisy and animated cities to escape. Once visiting this village, our fatigue was replaced with excitement and refreshment with wild nature and the good-nature Mong people.
Nestled in a beautiful valley about three kilometers from Sapa, Cat Cat attracts tourists from all over the world for its distinctive customs and practices which have been lost in most ethnic villages.
Following the path to the Fanxipan, you will be foot into Cat Cat village. It is a leisurely walk for about 20-30 minutes down a sloped road. There is no need to hire a guide but your visit will be better if you have one. This is an old village of H'Mong ethnic group remaining unique customs and practices which have been lost in many other villages. Once you are at the village, you can visit the houses of the locals as well as buy souvenirs and handicrafts from them (remember to bargain). There are also a few scenic points for photo taking here with the beautiful landscape and rice terraces.
Local people here are engaged in farming and cattle breeding. Also local women sell handmade jewelry and clothes, bags and wallets with traditional prints. Local women wear traditional clothes every day — black caftans and knee-length shorts. They often have baskets behind their backs — some of them carry souvenirs for sale in Sapa, come carry greenery and vegetables from the fields. As long as tourists visit Cat Cat, there are a lot of shops with souvenirs. Women sew everything right there.
With unique characteristics of a Northwest mountain village, Cat Cat has long been a fantastic and must-see attractions in the Vietnam tour itinerary to both domestic and international visitors.
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