TET Vietnamese cuisine perspective of professor Tran Van Khe

Nga Do
Professor - Dr. Tran Van Khe famous not only for knowledge of traditional music scholarship but also a very traditional gourmet cuisine. The professor said, for his cuisine of Vietnam Tet holiday very special. The first point is special, from the old days, people have the mindset that the Tet feast on traditional New Year's Day, because "father hunger, then eat that want it, they must eat three day festival."

Etiquette is very important ancient festival day about eating, so people usually do not say "Tet" that is "Tet". But the "Tet" is important here is not only the most delicious foreign objects, which is possible for the item to be long, for items related to our tradition.

In the North, the people always remember the saying: "Meat fat, pickled onions, red couplets / tree yet, his white, green rice cake". No fatty meats, no melon out, there is not a rice cake on New Year. This characteristic makes the Tet dishes. However, the North also like to eat rice cakes to the south are like banh tet. Melons are in the north of Vietnam is the price of melons. Central Executive shall not eat melon, melon prices not eat, but eat pickled.

List the three domains, each domain has a watermelon eating something different on New Year. Also, on New Year northern, cold weather should always be especially meat frozen meat. In the South, the coconut meat warehouse. On the northern sausage rolls silk, cinnamon rolls. As early spring (spring craft) is also very special and are delicious no matter which domain. Cha cha head resembles the first Central North, but other than to sour on meat.

So do not eat sour early in Hue rolls over the top of the North. In addition, there are other types of farming , there are places like melon soup with bamboo shoot soup ... places like New Year , there are always dishes specific to each region , besides having a different culinary traditions that tray five fruits . " Five " is five ( 5 ) , " result " is left . Number 5 which is very important because it can be said , with some people living Vietnam 5 . Human life stick with the five elements : metal, wood , water, fire and earth , how to cook , they must have five colors - five colors ( yellow , black , white , red , blue ) ; tasting food to have in the ( sweet , salty , sour , spicy , bitter ) ; woman there pentatonic ( date , origin, vehicle, petrol , sewer ) ... the tray of five fruits and such .

Past five fruits are plum , peach , apple ... so now five fruits in the South is for fruits can speak the words of his desire . So , on the tray of five fruits Southerners today always have a large papaya in the middle, next to which is a coconut, which has left custard , figs , and mango , all read in the voice domain Men will be " spending enough demand and affluence ." Five in the North , the results include other fruits like mandarin , Buddha's hand fruit ...

Two big melons are also two altar definition Tet Vietnamese cuisine so special . Melons outside the green but that cut the heart out of red lipstick . Also, the dishes are indispensable players in the traditional New Year 's Day with candy jam . Jam of the North , there may be a box with 12 each jam jam which not only delicious , but also the treatment . As eating crystallized ginger is always warm in the heart , the secret jam helps serene , gentle ... Both North , Central , South are common candy we eat candy called Leo , Tet there . Or the North peanut brittle , peanut candy in the South , or Central , there Sesame candy ...

Cuisine of Vietnam, most of the traditional New Year's Day , always related to the legendary story , with the thinking involved with the characteristics of people living in Vietnam and is modified in each domain , but still special nuances.

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