It is easy to love the people far away. It is not always easy to love those close to us. It is easier to give a cup of rice to relieve hunger than to relieve the loneliness and pain of someone unloved in our own home. Bring love into your home for this is where our love for each other must start.
- Corner Review Typical Dishes In Sapa
- Why is Sapa one of the best choices when you travel around Vietnam?
Surely all of you know a famous food in Vietnam is "Pho". But did you try the ethnic Dzay dishes on Sapa? Mrs. Kim and her husband, who are hosts of Hoang Kim homestay, are always called "Dzay parent" by the guests coming here because of cooking too delicious. So I am Lily, the English speaker here wants to give you a great experience with Mrs Kim when coming to Sapa. You will not find the taste of this meal anywhere in Vietnam. Come with us and discover something new ;)
In the cooking class with Mrs.Kim, you will prepare dinner for yourself and other guests. It's not just cooking in the kitchen, you will follow Ms. Kim to the garden for vegetables, go to the market or even pluck chicken feathers. After cooking, you will join family meal with us, that one of feature thing at homestays in Sapa. You also learn how to cheer in Vietnamese :)) It's really fun!
There will have many vergetables and raw materials you never seen before. Mrs.Kim will guide details how to cook 3 main dishes at dinner, and some tips in cooking, as well as some story of the dish.
Our house is located at Ta Van Dzay 1, a place in Muong Hoa valley, one of the most beautiful valley in Sapa. You can go to our house by taxi from Sapa town or contact me to pick up service.
Book right now with Sapa homestay tour, welcomes you! Hope you have a nice trip in Viet Nam.