Buffalo Fighting Festival in Hai Luu, Vinh Phuc province
Author -
personNga Do
10:47 AM
Annual buffalo fighting festival in Hai Luu, Lap Thach, Vinh Phuc is the most ancient festival in Vietnam.
Photo by collect on the internet
According to the legend, the festival appeared in the 2nd century BC. When the Han invaded Nam Viet ruled by Trieu Da and the Trieu dynasty declined, Trieu’s mandarin, Lu Gia withdrew to Hai Luu mountainous area, Song Lo, Vinh Phuc to defeat the enemy. After every victory, Lu Gia held buffalo fighting festival to encourage his soldiers and fighting buffalos were killed to treat them. After the death of Lu Gia, local people in Hai Luu worship him as Tutelary God and the buffalo fighting festival started since then.