What is Special in Phu Quoc Dogs?

Photo: Ngo Trung
Phu Quoc Dog is actually one of the world three rarest ridgeback type dogs that have whorls running down their backs. It is closely related to the Thai Ridgeback, though it is suggested that the Phu Quoc Dog is a completely different breed given the difference in their size and the 2cm whorl.

They are excellent hunters, unafraid of heights, intelligent and fiercely loyal yet are very trusting of strangers, so they make poor guard dogs. A mature dog is about 20-25kg, with a small head, quite a long snout, and thin ears. They love barking when strangers do approach, but they don't take things any further. The wild 
pregnant female disappears into the national park, digging a den to give birth and nurse their pups for up to a month before rejoining the wild pack. 

Dog lovers are looking to have the Phu Quoc Ridgeback recognized as a separate domestic dog breed for entry into international dog shows.

Phu Quoc dog is even put into gene conservation list of the world. Go to Phu Quoc to check out what is special in this type of dog and maybe bring back home ones for your family. They could be your good family members and great bodyguards :) 

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